Latest News

Nathan Clouse / Mon 12,2019

Let's walk through creating a standard Build VM

Nathan Clouse / Sun 12,2019

Need an extra build box? Look no further for how to set that up.

Nathan Clouse / Sat 10,2018

Can developers manage their VM uptime and save some money? Yes!

Nathan Clouse / Sat 10,2018

Azure OMS has some great features to help reduce spend but you have to set it up.

Nathan Clouse / Wed 07,2018

EDIT: This is a known issue that MSFT is actively working on addressing

Nathan Clouse / Wed 07,2018

Setting up ADFS for D365 On Prem? Easy! 

Nathan Clouse / Sun 07,2018

I'm excited to finally be releasing this. Many end users love the (Inventory) Site (Financial) Dimension link.